Science of Mind 100 SeriesScience of Mind 100 covers aspects of metaphysical thought, its principles, and practices. Students develop greater self-awareness, understanding of the nature of reality, how life has a spiritual basis, and learns techniques for inner and outer transformation. Four classes, each eight weeks in length, are offered. Most classes are generally offered from September through May, with a lighter schedule during the summer months. The main text is The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes – available at The Spiritual PathIntroduces students to the background, history, and beginnings of Science of Mind as well as to a new concept of God. Classes explore how God relates to the individual and how thought creates our personal reality. This course covers the first 60 pages of The Science of Mind, and introduces the steps of Affirmative Prayer. The Nature of Effective PrayerGives the student a thorough understanding of the nature and practice of Affirmative Prayer. Incorporates exercises that develop the student's understanding of how to pray effectively for themselves. Participants practice by writing spiritual mind treatments. This course covers pages 63-83 in The Science of Mind Text Book. Building A Healing ConsciousnessStudents deepen their understanding of effective Affirmative Prayer, and develop a greater understanding of the nature of the creative process in the individual. The student will begin building a healing consciousness through his/her Affirmative Prayer work. This course covers pages 111-128 and 163-186 in The Science of Mind. Principles of Successful LivingStudents explore the role of consciousness in co-creating their own lives. Developing a positive, life-affirming consciousness is one of the goals of this class. Upon successful completion, participants will have a greater understanding of our place in this spiritual universe and our relation to the One Creative Source. This course covers pages 266-321 in The Science of Mind Text Book. New FoundationsStudents are introduced to the Core Concepts of the Science of Mind and taught how to apply these Universal Principles to his/her own life. Meditation and Spiritual Mind Treatment are taught as daily practices. The class is experiential, with many guided meditations and exercises to assist students in embracing and incorporating Science of Mind Principles. Text: The Science of Mind Text Book; Living The Science of Mind – Ernest Holmes Spiritual Practices for Daily Living:Students learn how to develop lifetime habits of meditation and Affirmative Prayer. Text: Journey of Awakening – Ram Dass; Can We Talk to God? – Ernest Holmes Beyond LimitsExplores the intuitive perceptions of Ernest Holmes and his scientific approach to the spiritual laws of the universe. It also includes PowerPoint presentations. Text: How to Change Your Life – Ernest Holmes Creative Ideas: A Spiritual Compass for Personal Expression – Ernest Holmes Power of Your WordPower of Your Word is an introduction to prayer. Students learn the nature of prayer and how to pray more effectively. Text: Words that Heal Today – Ernest Holmes The Science of Mind Text Book(1938) – Ernest Holmes How to Use the Science of Mind – Ernest Holmes Can We Talk to God? – Ernest Holmes