Watch Live Streaming Here Every Sunday Morning 9:15 am. - 10:30 am. To view Our Sunday Celebration Live Streaming on a full screen, click the screen icon in the bottom right corner.
Concordia Needs You!
We are looking for volunteers to help nourish our flock. Do you enjoy socializing and being nourished after church on Sundays? Then we need your help to set up before service and/ or to help clean up after. Ideally we would like to have two (2) people set up before service and clean up after. Many hands make for light work! You can sign up as often as you want; weekly, monthly, etc. We also need food each week, as this is all volunteer. Sign up sheet is at the information desk or see Heather Kilgore.
Our bookstore also has opportunities for sacred service. Contact Mary Broomall, Interim Volunteer Coordinator. **LIVE STREAMING TRAINING** All adults and Teens are invited to be part of our upcoming live streaming activities. Please volunteer for training with David Tate.